we're going to have a beautiful particularly renovated joe deimagine plagued that will broung in we're investing 5 and a half million dollars your project management i want to give her a shout out and as great and as iconic joe deplagiarizing imagine playground when we're done with this this is going to be the spot in the entire city this is how cities are supposed be here excited to partner with all of you thank you very much (clapping.) nicely done phil i know in the audience trying to hide is our former deputy librarian jill come on occupy july how about a round of applause >> thank you karen for your support and john from the city attorney's office so thank you for your wonderful work in this project (clapping.) hey jill i'll happy the mayor mentioned the wonderful leadership from our commission through thick and thin for the library project so it's my pleasure to introduce teresa. >> thank you lewis and good afternoon it's a great day for a branch opening you look excited to get in or on behalf of my fellow commissioners, thank you for coming although my fellow commissioners are j