so why aren't there more jamie browders? betsey stevenson, who ran has a wry answer: "manly men" don't want to do "girly jobs." >> so if you look over the last 20 years, we've lost five million jobs in manufacturing and gained nine million jobs in education and health services. so we're more than making up for the jobs we're losing, but the characteristics of those jobs, the identity associated with a worker who holds one of those jobs, the pay associated with those jobs, are different. >> reporter: "different" by cultural stigma. and that's true of jobs in home healthcare, nursing, and early childhood education, like the job jamie browder has had and loved for 13 years. so i asked him: why don't more men go into this profession? >> i think it's a lack of information, a lack of understanding how you can contribute to the children's lives. lack of understanding what you mean to a community. >> reporter: so men see jobs like grade school teaching as low status, low upward mobility. >> it's almost like if you enter the classroo