mark seetin, thank you for being on the program, and how did this didn't understanding of the brown marmoratedtink bug. -- and for helping us understand the braun marmorated stink bug. guest: thank you, and i want to sit thank you 2 tracy leskey. host: thank you for being of the phone with us. guest: thank you. host: we will continue our conversation with kevin hackett. what is the federal government's role in combating a species like the stink bug? guest: mark seetin and the u.s. apple industry, this is national citizenship day, and we interact with which we depend on the interaction with growers -- we depend on the interaction with growers and the citizens. what is the the response of the federal government? we have responded in several different ways. one of which is organizationally, as mark indicated. basically, we have an infrastructure. mark mention that word. it is critical. we build decades of infrastructure. we are ready to respond to a new test when it comes into the country. we monitor. we have a general invasive species response. the president, in 1999, signed an executive order t