. - officials havv not said ow lonn the brown waterrwill stick around. 3 a torrado touched down inn -n mississippi and within seconds it caused widespread damage.state pozen injuries ave been reported.mmrthaashade has the storr. story. 33 the tornado hit hattiesburg... tearing up &ptrees ann buildings as it &pcarved aapatt through the ttwn..- the city is home to the university of southern mississsppi.several buildings &pon campus were damaged, but there were no injuries there. at the university."our students get a break monday anndtuesddy at mardi grrs - holiday so the unnversity ii pretty empty right now. so that's probably a good thing." when theetornado touched down. 3tornadoes describee it was veryy loud vvry uick, he building was shaking and you can tell that the trres were flyyng by."bass took this &pviddo of tte damage o his home after hh tornadoofor him it bringg up memmries of another storm.this issexactty like walkinn ouu of the housee after atrina. it's the xact same scene the ttees aae laying on everything, aad you knowwa lot of prrjectssto build. the gardde survived so, i