foreign relations committee and they worked closely with senator brownback to draft the north korean human rights act. worked international, i to shine a spotlight on north korea's human rights abuses. it is an issue i care deeply about personally. may be one of those "only nixon can go to china" moments with respect to trump and a north korea deal. i think it would be inconceivable that a republican-controlled congress would approve any deal that obama could have negotiated with north korea for precisely the human rights issues and other issues you have raised. but i think with trump in control of the white house, they can with republicans in control of the house and senate, that they will set aside those concerns if president trump asked them to. as a democrat, i can either choose to whine about the unfairness of that, or as an american i can celebrate the fact that the united states and north korea might be able to put themselves on a path towards peace. which is the only path that can eventually lead to improvements in north korea's human rights situation to begin with. i think we need to keep our eyes on the objective.