common sense says if it ain't brrke, don't fix it, but one of america's smartest men ssys we can doo-doo better... microsoft... mogul ...bill gates... looking... for ways... to... "flush out"... contaminated... drinking water... world-- wide...//...and, ../ .he.... says... the answer... lies in the ba. bathroom.the ... microsofttfounder ... hosted... a... "reinvent the toilet fair"... this week... in seattle...///.in ... order be... in the running ... for the world's... next toilet.../ &pentrants... must... operate... without running water,... electricity... or.. .a... septic system...///.the... foundation... wants,... entries... to capture energy ... or... other resources... / on... five... cents a day. 115-125"the current design has a real problem. it uses a lot of water, requires a very expensive system o bring in very clean water, then you make that water dirty." dirty."377... million dollars foundation money ... has been committed reinventing the toilet...///. 3 mutant butterflies are humans are safe from this say brand new species. you probably thooght they onl