it would increase corporate income, but we've lost -- the brt brought this out the other day -- the businessoundtable -- we lost in this country in 291the 21st century, almost 5,000 companies bought by foreign entities or gone overseas because of the tax rate differential that we were talking about earlier. we're playing on 12-foot goals, competitors overseas are playing on 10-foot goals >> this is why there's a rally, the perception some of these pharmaceuticals could bring money back and have none do deals. if you're out there you have an index fund, you're not an active investor, you are hearing about personal and corporate tax rates coming down, you're wondering what will that mean for the s&p 500. what does it mean? >> right now, not much it's noise just because the proposal has a long legislative process to go down >> to mr. smith's point, i get that the proposal means nothing, but if we get it into law -- >> a 5% increase in stock earnings the consumer will feel better, because of consumer confidence and they'll feel good about spending there is a derivative of economic impact due to