. >> my name is ann brubaker you know where i live i'm puc to support a appeal o-74 i have watched as the verizon council has veered the conversation away from condition 10 of the permit which he did mention condition 10 clearly states no condition without obstruction this permit holder has demonstrated amply there is an obstruction i think all the permit holders will demonstrate amply the permit palates will demonstrate amply there is obstruction and that the condition of the permit has not been met quality of window cleanliness, quality of the view quantity of the view was not part of the permit condition i think that is being aside while we discussed from the poles are ugly if our windows are criterion, if we don't have a view of the golden gate bridge this is not an issue and by the way i was born on russian hill in 1947 and still here. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i used to live in the baldwin flat i'm a friend of the family first off those are rental flats so the ridiculousness by verizon about the flags didn't apply to the appellant it is how the people living in the