bruce ackerman is the sterling professor at yale law school. he is the author of "before the next attack beings preserving civil liberties in an age of terrorism," his op-ed piece criticizing general stanley mcchrystal for publicly challenging president obama last fall was widely circulated. bruce is now at work on the expansion of the presidency in the 21st presidency. they are joined tonight by terry moran, co-anchor of abc news's "nightline." terry is uniquely call need to frame the questions for tonight's program. in addition to his work at ""nightline"" he is also answer news' supreme court correspond correspondent. he has reported extensively on the wars in iraq and afghanistan and white house correspondent during the presidencies of bill clinton and george w. bush. so let's welcome our guests and get ready for an exciting evening. thank you. [applause] >> thank you todd. it's an honor to be here and with this remarkable panel. it's a topic of abiding interest to generations of americans. you never know where it's going to turn up. i was