i broke atory about bruce babbitt was the interior secretary and he had been involved in approving a license for an indian casino and the lobbyist invold in that had been a college friend and it was a big story at the time and in the end i'm not sure i took fair account of the entirety ofis washington career. that i don't thi he was someone on the scale of influence peddling in washington probably belong flooer the top and i spent an awful long time writing stories about that. >> rose: where do you worry abouin terms of the "times"? for example, some people ask about... there's increasing amount of opinion in the paper. do you worry about that? >> you know, i'm mindful of it and we have columns in the news pages. quite a few of them biz day, quite a few columnist in and, you know, i asked i sometimes read before those columns are published but we have drilled in the editors that there is a line between opinion and urging a specific action and deep analysis and i prefer to be on the side of deep analysis. >> rose: when you see a great writer, you just stand up and salute? >> i guess f