in miami, bruce fleisher has honed the skill as well as anyone. see right away knew it long before the trial was that the scene in that courtroom was about as bad as it could be. because there they were, just feet apart. his client and a blind father. the survivor of christopher sutton's alleged plot to kill his parents. >> the fact that john sutton survived and was blind to me was the greatest prejudice in the case. >> reporter: there he was right behind the bar the whole time. >> the jury would hear something bad and they would look over at john sutton. they had to be thinking, "this poor man, look what he has to go through life with." >> for the victim, fleisher knew he must display only sympathy. instead he would attack the murder investigation itself. the way the police came up with their two star witnesses, juliet driscoll, and garrett kopp without them the state's case was weak. why do you suppose they came forward anyway? because they were forced to. or so reasoned fleisher. juliet driscoll, why did she tell police christopher talked about