-- or at least they believed they knew bruce jenner because everybody knew bruce jenner. and now they've seen your very public transition. you give them a touchstone for this thing called transgender people. what are you doing in washington d.c.? and who are you talking to, and what are you trying to achieve? >> okay, most of the things that i do, okay, are very quiet. >> why are they quiet? >> because i want to keep in open communication with the people that i'm talking to. if i go in there and then i'm out promoting everything that i'm doing in washington, d.c., i don't think they're gonna talk to me next time. i'd rather keep it quiet. >> are you talking to elected republicans? >> i have sat down with -- i think it was like 15 evangelical christian conservative republican senators and congressman -- as we would call them in the lgbtq community, "the enemy" -- and sat down for three hours over dinner, talked about faith, talked about all the things that i've gone through, talked with them about all the issues. and because of that, i made a lot of alliances with a lot of