welcome to class notes at welcome to class notes at coe college with professor bruce nesmith and if we could start off with the news of the week in the house with the speaker elections. paul ryan finally got nominated and elected on thursdayaywhat does this mean moving forward? little easier to talk about it before as opposed to afte aftetepaul ryan is teh most nationally visable person to take the office of speaker r a long time. he brings a lot of personal prestige to the office. that will have on the didisions within the party. how long will that last? a lot of us are sports fans and we've seen the new geniusome to town and we love him until the tete starts l ling. i think the happy senario for house republicans is that he's able to hold them together long enough until they get into the general election camagn at which point the enemy is which point election the g geral they get into the gegeral election camapign at which point the enemy is clearly the democrats and the democratic theyare in 2017. 2017.what does it mean that he tamed the freedom caucus with of control we didn't see