. >> and the kid to watch is bruce perry. here they come. a pretty good start. >> if we were behind in a relay, you gave the baton to bruce, and you knew who was going to win the race. bruce was very well respected in north dakota. his name is, i think, still known pretty well around the state as far as a great track athlete. that's close to 50 years ago. >> arlis and bruce were a great match for each other, and i remember it was kind of the talk of the high school. arlis and bruce went to snowball together. what! you know, i mean, even we found out after the fact. >> bruce and i and arlis attended the fellowship of christian athletes. it was based on athletics, but with a christian belief. and we would get together once a week, and a leader would take you through bible verses or whatever at the time. and they were there every, every week. >> they enjoyed sharing their faith together, and it may have been a first love type of situation, you know, where they, both just wanted to go to the next level. >> once they started dating, she had a lot