brummell we help him win the votes if he did. -- it would probably help him win a vote. and romney does not want to run on his plan other than things will be different. change we can believe in, i guess, because you need to believe. i think it will be nasty. neither guy seems to really like each other. whatever kind of breaks the were in 2008, whether it was because of the phenomenon of a black candidate in a general election for the first time or because of the circumstances of eight years of bush, i do not know. there were certain lines that were not cross. this time, i think there will be lines that will be crossed. >> well, on that note. [laughter] i want to thank everyone for being here. we have some wonderful books for sale. on "the newhas been york times" best-seller list. sasha's book gives you a great look at how campaigns are conducted. thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> we can keep investing in wind, solar, clean coal, and signs of that can harvest new biofue