despite what sister brun el is trying to argue here, his words condemn him.goes forward to deny what he did and then, when people like mis-brunell speak about it. they're plis sit in the ve inability to tell the truth and the man's words himself condemn him and you're trying to talk about red, white and blue when he was talking about. >> yeah. the colors that matter in this nation. i'm tired- -- >> let here answ answer. >> we are tired of the division. this nation wants to heal. all the races want to heal. majority of us are tired of the bickering back and forth. the president said there was problems on all sides. imagine, your fellow journalist had urine and feces thrown on top of them and nobody's condemned that. that wasn't the white supremacists. >> hold on. the all right. b know one is depending throwing urine et cetera. but there is a strong difference between people fighting for equality and people fights for wiping out people off of this earth. >> they all had weapons down there. you know that. >> brun echld ll. who hilled heather heyer. >> yeah. some