brunet: in the beginng, it was a slow process. it was really not really noticeable, but then whenever the water startedre coming in even ith it, it got to be more rapid because they had more water coming in and the land didn't stand a chance, so many people on their own did make the decision to go ecause of the water. dena naquin: my dad moved off the island, i want to say, right before i was born because he 't able to get to work with the road flooding and he needed to work, biloxi-chitimacha-choctaw band of isle de jean charles, and that's my heritage, that is my daughter's heritage. you know, that's our family al p. naquin: yaah! [laughter] get all the people who will be named. hurry up, farmer boy. a child was born, everybody went and visit and brought a gift. now it's not happening. thank yor today's sunrise. aiden, you want a indian name? yes. your name is little fox. the displacement really, really made a change in our culture. now we kind of live-- ha a ha!--like there are no indians, ok? dupre: the only way thes