there are most probably more paintings by bruno bruni on the walls of german living rooms than any other artist because he believes art is for everybody and he paints for the mass market. naturally, the results are controversial with the tribts presented as pure titch but the fact is he is still very popular and successful at the grand age of 75. >> a message in a bottle on the stormy seas. it's been 30 years since he painted his last landscape. the italian artist is still searching for variety but he stayed true to his signature style all these years. >> you can understand almost everything i paint. there's no mystery. i can't paint an abstract picture. there have been so many movements and trends in the last 50 or 60 years. if i'd gon along with all of them, i'd have disappeared long ago. >> he grew international famous through his drawings and litsdzo graphs which earn him multinel awards. whether in painting or consult tur, his favorite motiff is the physical form. >> first because it's the subject that offers the most variety. and second, i'm old but i think i've still never underst