and bruno le maire. this is "the daily show with trevor noah." >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. let's jump right into today's headlines. we kick things off with the only story everybody has been talking about for two years now: the coronavirus pandemic. yeah, this thing is starting to feel a lot like a marvel movie. it's exciting, but it's kind of dragging on for a really long time. the omicron wave we've been waiting for has now hit the u.s. for real. hospitals are starting to fill up again. big companies that were planning to bring workers back to the office in january have postponed until may 2097. and concerts and shows are shutting down. a lot of people are saying it feels like march 2020 all over again. but, people, please have some optimism. things are much better now than they were back then. woon, we have vaccines. two, we have treatments. and three, no one thinks zoom happy hours are a good idea. are a good idea. but while we are being re