the rival philadehia phillies introduce bryce harpur as one oi own. as carrie chowrasia shows us, it's clear the superstar still o has d. his mind, that and $330 million. who is counting? >> i'm counting actually. you know, for the first time in his pro career, bryce harpur was sporting a different the phillies introduced him today. have you ever been in a really long relationship, break up, start dating someone new and vin a freudianlip and accidentally say your ex-'s name? bryce has. he was introduced as a philly in clear water, florida where the team holds spring training. he signed a record $330 million deal an as mentioned without any doubts which means he could be in philly for the rest of his career. he will be 39 deal en after seven seasons with the its, he still has d.c. on his mind even he didn't realize it. >> we're going to go in and do everything we can to win and play hard and play well. and that's what it's all about. that's what i want to do. we want to bring a title back to dc i want to be on broad street or a freaking boat, b