you said a moment ago that bryn was quite involved in influencing these matters. did you on that particular one shout and scream and say you cannot do this? >> when i say we were involved it was with the government in the aftermath of that to help with the resolution of the banks. ot re not being passively the eurozone. as soon as we knew about it from reports rather than being part of discussions, we were always critical. the prime minister has been very clear that there are guarantees that are promises . de possible form we've been consistent in that. do i agree with you that i think uncorrected it would leave a dangerous impression that these things were somehow negotiateable or could be set aside. i think two things provide some confidence that that potential impression may not be. the first is that proposed agreement was not agreed and was set aside and replaced by one that did protect insured depositers. and second is it was very much present in the discussions of the recovery and resolution directive where there was a shared view, in fact, i said coming out