such was the case with bryon widner. his escape would be painful and trigger a transformation of both body and soul. >> i started getting tattoos when i was about 14, 15 years old. this arrow is from the norse religion, and what it signifies is the rune of justice or the rune of the warrior. within most light powered skinheads, within that subculture it's a sign of the warrior but it also represents the willingness to kill for your race. >> and so you were willing to -- >> yes, i was willing to kill for the white race. i put it on my face to signify that to those who understood what it meant basically and those who didn't understood, well, they would learn soon enough. that was kind of the philosophy. >> bryon widner first became a racist skinhead at the age of 14 in 1991. over the next 16 years, he was a member of several notorious neo-nazi skinhead organizations, such as the outlaw hammer skins, blood and honor and the vinlander social club. >> my racial philosophy was we were the master race. white people were meant t