my first taste of true line of work monogamy the following evening when i told to stay in bsi. since dsi deals directly with fresh chicken me, unlike iq have or the combo department, they have just sacraments that no one ever explained. i never knew what they were. [laughter] >> for the first time i put on the standard black uniform of a cheap blue plastic smock note think of any piece of paper, cotton gloves under plastic lids and a white internet. at this point dsi remains a mystery. i don't know what the acronym stands for what it does. i do see two lines parallel to each other with worker standing on either side. since keeping workers totally in the dark seems to be part of the business model of pilgrim's pride i'm not surprised when barbara tells me to follow her without excavation. with a the 20 or so others guess i workers and walk at the platform where another short belt runs at waist level. i am now standing above the workers. you play play play before, barber asks? there are words before i can here. i pull out my earplugs and the russian. what's that, i shall? i say d