it's not as cute as t.i.n.a., but bsl squared. >> sounds good. >> we have seen how companies have lots fashion? >> they'll get caught in a squeeze, and it will cost them extra money. and the firms won't be profitable. >> let's walk down the fantasy lane. if the fed can do it, why can't we? let's say the bulk of the economy does better, the pavl pavlovian effect, with the salivating, we've have conditioned companies to do, live in the short end where rates are cheap? isn't that possible? >> it is possible. >> what happens to the companies if there's a quick curve fluctuation from steep to flatter? >> if, in fact, the economy doesn't grow enough for the firms to be profitable, you have an issue. because they're not getting the revenues in. the economy is doing a little better. the km he has to do a lot better in order to keep the same equation, because you'll have the higher short-term rates, and it will cost them more money. >> if we ever came to the point where, let's say, the fed acknowledged that a bulk of the economy was really starting to fire on all cylinders, would these issues a