how we made the commit am to each other to do this thing bsm a year and a half ago i met you on the old show. we had a great time. and then about eight months ago, i called you up and said come on in, let's talk about being the band leader for the show. >> stephen: we had a nice conversation. >> jon: it was a deep conversation. >> stephen: very deep, talk about talking about big questions, we talked about very big questions. but then you asked me a question, after i said would you be my band leader you asked me an interesting question first. >> jon: i asked you if you would come down to new orleanss my hometown and meet my parents and have red beans an rice with us. >> stephen: exactly, learn something about where you are from. >> jon: exactly. >> stephen: find out where you learned to do what you learned how to do i said i would love to as long as i could bring some cameras. so we did it we went down to new orleans, we spent a day together and we put together a couple of little pieces of us talking, and you teaching me aboututew orleans. >> jon: right. >> steteen: we're going to presen