brought a foretaste of what is to come a permanent state of fear, strict behavioral control, massive bsr jobs, growing dependance on the state so when you're looking at the green new deal and you think oh my gosh why do they like this it's causing energy shortages. it's causing chaos. we can't drive cars, kids. that's not an unintended design. that's the intended consequences. the same thing with lockdowns. remember, the worse, the better. vladimir slogan in tsarist russia next, the real cube. in less than 12 months, they close business is forced us to wear muzzles, kept us from our families, killed off sports, burned down cities, forcibly seized power, shut down us speech, and they accused us of the coup next. so the lockdowns have a whole chapter in the book. seeing all the science on lockdowns and they are the most ineffective things you could ever imagine. sweden led the way countries li belarus led the way bzil to a lesser extent, and the us. we had south dakota, georgia florida leading the way most important, governor by far was run. desantis and i write that in the book. you know