the bstm employees specialize in crimes using modern technologies. the perpetrators are involved in the creation of an anonymous payment system for a cryptocurrency exchange, as well as a number of internet infrastructure services. with their help, illegal activities were carried out on the receipt and issuance of funds, exchange cryptocurrency currencies. anonymous payment systems are well-known in the crypto industry, services ups and criptex. at first glance , classic virtual exchangers, that is, with their help it was possible, for example. to exchange bitcoin for euros, dollars or rubles, when we use some ordinary online store to buy, i don’t know, a tv at home, a dialog box pops up at the time of payment, where we enter our card details, here is the uaps service - this is the same thing, only for cryptocurrencies, they are basically not interested in who comes to them with need to send money somewhere, to buy some currency or exchange it, they are simply interested in having as many clients as possible. the kriptex platform appeared in 2017. th