"bergman came, kurosawa came, buñuel, everyone was there, but no one could work with hollywood cinema no one, everyone fled, because it is the cinema of producers and box office receipts, and of course, neither fellini nor bergman could even imagine that, and even more so kurosawa too, in fact, he came to the soviet union after that." yes, but the soviet union gave him complete freedom, we edited at the same time, i edited for myself in a row, and he edited the back in the hall, we just, i didn’t know him then, i wasn’t familiar, and he sat, smoked, there in the smoking room, always smoked, i sit there like a fool, yes, that is, you didn’t try to approach, no, i was very rabel, i was afraid of him, well , god. god, that is, it turns out, all other things being equal, in the soviet union it was easier to film at some points, because the state provided the director with all the resources of the budget. it was not a problem at all, well , they called me to the management, they said, look, you have an overspending of outrages, you still need to give you money, well, and no one in russian,