for car insurance bebecacaususe e ofof t theheirir b badad driving for r soso l lonong,g, h he e dodoesesn'n't even notice them anymore. bubut t onone e daday y brbriaiansnapshot from progressive. nonow w brbriaian n hahas s a a raratete babasesed d onon hihiss drdriviving, not theirs. geget t snsnapapshshotot a andnd s seeee just how much your good driving cocoululd d sasaveve y youou.. they have more room to grow, and replants them. >>> there are people out there getting worried that drones are everywhere. everyone's got them but i figured out the absolute. just let guys like these fly them because they're coming up against the drone's worst enemy -- trees. in this video. he's got a full-on ten minutes of perfect flight but he gets cocky, and just goes straight into -- oh, never mind. it looks great on footage is proximity and things in the foreground. if you fly by a tree branch that's what gives you the sweeping look. that's why you want to fly close to things -- >> that wasn't swooping that's ooh ow. >> we do have a similar one here. you know it's like left a bigot, too much right, it just gets a bit out of the control, overcorrecting every which