you had the murderers row of buchan buchanan, saffire and price and then a whole tribe of us who were really jr. speechwriters who never got to work on the big speeches. our job in the state of the union speech i'm remembering that where he announced six great goals. one of the jobs we had was constantly to provide background material to push these -- the agenda we had for the administration. so that meant writing fact sheets and talking points. and we just didn't write for the president. we wrote for cabinet officers, we wrote for senators. i was senator dole's speechwriter. i was speechwriter for the republican national chairman. i wrote for cabinet officers and they never knew it. because we would draft segments of speeches. for congressional members, we'd write one-minute we called them chair speeches that we would flood washington, d.c. it would go back to this hostile atmosphere we had. we had to overcome this constantly by generating on our own a massive amount of communication with the white house. i actually started doing that in herb klein's communication shop, and then thro