southbound 270, before buckey's town pike. town pike. that has just opened. town pike.ned. dearest britain. we love you. maybe it's your big hearts. your sense of style. welcome to ba100. (bar00, you're cor take-off). how you follow your own path. you've led revolutions... of all kinds. yet you won't shout about it. it's just not in yourature. instead, you'll quietly make history. cake. beds. poetry. trouble. love! hope! and rather a lot of tea. the best of britai from the moment you step on board. >>> you're watching news 4 today. >> you have one of thoseooms in youhouse. maybe it looks like this disaster back here. maybe you shoved it into a closet when guests come over. >> you're not alone. and if you haven't been sure hoo to grganized, a tidying trend could be the ans yesterday, we told y about the konmari method. we will see if it's the right fit for you to clear the clutter from your life. >> this used to be my daughter's room. she moved out, went to college, got married, had a baby and this room is still like this. it used to be my sanctuary. it was my office i n