what happened after that -- i was telling you about the plumbers -- bud krogh stopped in san clemente on the way home and got the assignment to start the plumbers unit, the special investigation unit. when he came back to washington, he said i am doing something that i'm not allowed to tell you about. he said normally i suspect your office would be doing it but there are some people in california that you've got a little old lady in you. i knew what he was talking about and was not troubled by it in the slightest. i did not know what he was doing with the special investigation unit. i would not learn about that until after the watergate break-in. >> this little old lady comment was after or before the brookings? >> it was after i shut that off. i've got to say the brookings institute, all these years, has never sent me a note thanking me for not having them firebombed in 1972. or 1971. >> one of the things bud krogh told us he was told was that there were suspicions that ellsberg was sharing his material with the russian embassy. did that material come through your interagency group?