winnie >> president tan, vice president height, commissioners bud remi.i'm here with very livingston but i was that you brought in after last meeting a couple weeks ago and you should have a little booklet them to go over it but which is passed out a two-page resume for michael spearman was us security consultant i've known for quite a while. he's sitting in the back room next to [inaudible] from the mayor's office. he has a long history in security. he was a police officer for i believe, 14 years and detective in el cerrito, ex-marine. no system. i brought him and on the other case. he should be rewrite of this dirty plan. in your booklet with the committee original go through it again but it's listed there. there's been significant committee outreach. last friday we did meet over with sam at staple foods and [inaudible] and worked out sort of a good neighbor how did it go forward with this particular application and i think they are on board but don't put words [inaudible] sam is back there. she gushed >> can you share with us what some of those things