hills, so my father-- when my father moved back he actually wanted to buy the buda hills property back. it wasn't for sale, so he bought another very large house just about a half block away overlooking the villa where my father spent his childhood. so, that was one aspect of it, so that was in 1990 and it was not until 2004, that my father had gender reassignment surgery. so, when i arrived in the fall of 2004, and began to explore all of this with my father, she was very adamant that we did not really need to get into all that history. of course, that to me was rich and juicy and there was no way i was going to understand my father without understanding where my father came from. so, it was a long struggle to get to that point. it was really only in the last years of my father's life that she became much more open to exploring her childhood, the family history and most especially her experience being a jew during the holocaust. we began finally, i had to really struggle to get my father out of the house because my father liked to sit and show pictures on her computer all the time and