translator: the cultural values of buddhism are very comforting to the scholars of conservation.i felt at last we found a way, and i began toto gain confidence in humananity. these tibetan pele are not wealthy, yet they can ststill think of other creatures. not just other people, other creatures. this is altruistic behavior. if they can do it, there's hope that other people can do it as well. [bells ring] gary: i've made a whole series of films about the beginning of environmental movements in different parts of the world at different t times, and in eachcf the films, i found mysyself quie drawn to trying to understand what you might call the native religions or the hunter/gatherer religions, or some of the kind of peripheral cultures that you find in the united states, in russia, in china. some of those older cultures of hunter/gatherers who live close to the land often have the similar kinds of beliefs about the sacredness of the environment and the need to protect and preserve it for all future generations, because their very livelihood always depended on maintaining the quali