for more, we're joined by budour hassan, a palestinian iterwr and legal resecher forar the jerusalemter for legal aidal and human gh whori hasgheen out in the stree itsn jerusaleme can you describe the scene on the ground in rusalem yes -- in jerusalem? >> since the start of ramadan, there have been protests all over jerusalem. they were sprebyd er israel's decion to close off damascus as gate was of that is where they usually gather everyight n,ig especially ramad. these protests extended after they forcefully maganed to force the israelis to remove the barricades. they extended rtoeahch sheik jarrah. all over jerl alem, therare e protests both in support of sheikh jarrah and the people in gaza. in response, especially for the last two weeks, has ramped up its campaign. not only target palestiniansho w have been protesting an dustry, there also- -they are also targeting well-known tiacvists an inattempt by rael to stop this popular movement that pwerobably have not ense like before. even greater than the movement e we saw in 2017 against israel's decision -- definitely greater than