savings about budovnidstvo, he thought to himself at the walls, probably declared a splintered faint,d sagging, sprinkled the facade at the undershirt of the twenties, astakhotya the mogilev theater was more tidied up from you the pressure of the district police elements were crossed with white gypsum in the seventies minutes on white. worst because of all this is not understanding the mod-sap procedure of the original. i kiss myself. the theaters massive theaters were cut down from the issuing red shop. perhaps usyag - this is an oddoba. yana was white in color, which robbed the contrast and silently. uh, galvanized respect on these elements, and all the paths were frozen to such men, this theater reached its yak-center, a public place in the city showed that the russian empire was here for sure and for a long time in 1985 the ministry of culture. i wanted bottles together, and at this place to visit the new theater was already a habit, the pennies were obtained. tady on the town of seldnica, wearily to defend their own in the morning and defend. wow, the theater came off, they check