requested, yak yana gat so hut is pabudavavavali, zіva neukai, kind dzen at your hut, hi gassitsa budza bagatadadzim old wraps jashon grass for projects on peratum. i’m not tormented, but i rest mentally, i lift my spirits, my soul rejoices, this is good, you are enjoying the result of your work, the result. labor depends, i would say more, on god, on nature, than on the beekeeper himself, the beekeeper should only help bee, to use what god gives, what is in nature, in time, so that the bee, the bee family gains strength, the work of the bee, to the main bribe , the beekeeper who... living all his life in one area, he is already focused on the main bribe, knowing your honey plants, the time of their flowering, in time to bring the bees to the honey plants, in time to expand, the bee can only work, we are at the bottom of the middle polis lake, it was called... from school i immediately graduated from the smilovitsky technical college with a degree in beekeeping, qualification technician beekeeper, having associated his whole life with beekeeping, i started with one, started with one, inherited