. >> i can't remember specifically , bue patricia can highlight why we started. >> there was a group of local e eensnch bar association in reonse the fact that the men in town resisted letting women into the worker bar associations. this was set up as the first national bar association. >> one year after you got the right to vote. >> you have probably had a number of projects over the years, but the juvenile delinquent project is only from 1980? >> 1986. baxter, who is retired as the acting judge and she noticed the boys units had so many different projects and programs while there was nothing for girls. she really was the trailblazer. >> and you were inspired to get involved because he wanted to see it as something to put your energy into. >> correct, to pay it forward to women because so many women ridge trailblazers for me, helping me in professional and personal endeavors. >> you both are mentors? >> i am. >> i am not an individual mentor at this time. >> so what does a mentor do? >> i am part of a project with the u.s. state department and stood -- implemented by the department