item 4a; rehearing request: subject property at 611 buena vista west avenue. letter from susan brandt-hawley, attorney for matthew & kristine leffers, appellants, requesting rehearing of appeal no. 12-171, decided on may 15, 2013. at that time, the board voted 3-2 to uphold the permit on condition that there be further setbacks at the front and back of the addition; four votes being required to overturn or modify any departmental action under the city charter, the permit was upheld as is with no new conditions. permit holder: martin roscheisen. project: one-story vertical addition to existing two-story residence; roof of 3rd story addition will include green roof; project will have a basement addition; bpa no. 2011/05/04/5332s.request. item 4a; rehearing request: subject property at 611 buena vista west avenue. letter from susan brandt-hawley, attorney for matthew & kristine leffers, appellants, requesting rehearing of appeal no. 12-171, decided on may 15, 2013. at that time, the board voted 3-2 to uphold the permit on condition that there be further setbacks