steps down in scale only three-storeys at this street and deep set backs, stoops, seat always, buffered landscapeing to create a really wonderful and human scale pedestrian environment. and the view here of the ground floor you will see at the parameter of the building along the back and the sides, along earl street the townhouses that wrap the parking so the parking is con celled and up the front retail wrappings around the corners and then the residential entry and adjacent communities space on the ground floor looked on m street just beyond the retail corner. there's a view of the retail as it wraps the corner on m street and the portal to the residential entry and the community space on the ground floor. and then here up at the podium level you can see a large open space in the center and yellow the central community space, laundry nearby, king room adjacent to the community space, services offices, access to garden that faces the street and get an opportunity here for people to look out across the street and people to look up and in to the building in to the garden of spaces creating a real won