here bugliosi talks about the third shot, the fatal shot that killed the president. seen on the zapruder film, it seemed that the president's head snapped backwards and to the left indicating that he was shot from the front and the right. if true, oswald could not have acted alone. but bugliosi says, frame by frame, the zapruder film shows something very different. >> if you look at the individual frames of the zapruder film you cannot see it at all if you look athe film. you have to look at the individual frames which i put on the screen for the jury. at frame 312, the president's head is okay. at frame 313, one-18th of a second later, the president is struck in the head. you can see the explosion to his head. and in what direction is the president's head pushed at frame 313? slightly forward, 2.3 inches. of impact, the president's head is pushed forward, indicating the shot from the rear where oswald wawas, not backwards, indicating a shot from the grassy knoll. and then at frames 314 to 321, you have his head snap to the rear of eight inches. the house select comm