francine: overall is there anything that bugsy about the u.s. -- bugs you about the us economy rightwered from the fed chair about why things are not working like you thought they would, what would it be? carl: i think the biggest problem that i can see in the wants the potentially fiscal tailwinds fade in 2020, how does the fed tend to navigate around that? back to ben bernanke use wiley coyote comments. the fed is tightening policy as inflation pressures are gradually picking up and growth is well above trend. what is their strategy in 2020? if the fed does not use off, we have a risk of a downdraft that could potentially become a recession. tom: i want to dive into this right now. this is the read of the month and i put it on twitter a couple days ago. must-read-- this is for your weekend reading. i have delivered packages for amazon and it was a nightmare. alan krueger will be with us later and leading research on it. is the gig economy enough to impact the entire economy? recent research shows the gig economy is much smaller. we have to watch where things are heading. it's a ver