bula, give me a hand.change, so it's a solid. and bees certainly buzz. [honks] the heat's changing the solid beeswax into liquid beeswax! >> just like the heat from the sun melted the snow! >> right. and the liquid wax takes the shape of this mold. now we add a wick, and when it cools, it changes back into a solid! both: cool! a candle! >> so that's what long john meant by a solid that had to become a liquid first. >> hmm... long john did say that a buzzing solid was the key. >> whoa! ooh! >> nice going, multo. come on, everyone, there's no time to lose! >> hmm? [gasps] ooh! awesome! ooh...huh? [screaming] >> nice statue, nice statue. [long john jupiter laughing maniacally] a golden statue, thar she blows, but touch it not for no one knows, what may happen if you dare. but if you did, then best beware. >> what was that rumbling? zeeter? >> me? uh, nothing... other than i touched that statue over there, and then long john jupiter told me to beware. >> whoa! [screaming] >> great. now what? >> ye used me cand