that flag and the bullheaded to a museum in that state. -- that poll headed to a museum in that staten in misery. -- missouri. independent. go ahead. caller: i really don't think we ought to be in the middle east. that's a civil war. even if we went to one side, the rest would be mad at us. the only way you can get your way is to negotiate. how do you negotiate with people who have been fighting from the beginning of time over there? host: jerry in north carolina. democrat. caller: a lot of politicians -- i would like for them to get on board and come together and have a little piece. host: mark in ohio. independent. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. the best show on tv. this is the news. my comment basically is our military is not working. it's a failure. these guys are coming back committing suicide at record numbers. we need to start the draft up again. for all these republicans who call in and say we ought to go back into iraq, send your kids. dick cheney started this mess with lies and walked away with treason. host: one last call from lois in baton rouge, louisiana. re