>> i do not remember the exact burbage. -- verbage. a fight with ross and she needed to talk to me. >> did you -- did she ask you to call her? >> she did. i believe she did. she did not call me. she wanted to talk to me and i believe she said please call me. >> did she say why she was reaching out to you in particular? >> she never has told me why. >> did she see what she wanted? >> only at one time, one of the second phone calls, i asked her what she wanted. after the call we had, i realized there was a lapse of time because i had to do a telecommute call and i had to texture back and she was not ready to call. when we talked are remember saying, do you need domestic violence referrals? just in case that she was not telling me everything. she was focused on the custody issues. that i thought i had better just ask her again. i asked her bluntly and said, could you tell me what support need in general? could you tell me what support you need from me? why don't you call me? and she said she wanted to make it work with her husband, she ta