you have a bureaucraticrocess, if you will, for reviing the pay. it was cated by a bureaucratic process to begin th it's interesting, historicall, judges have always had the power that hs had to overturn pay yet th've almostnever used thatower because thr views, it's impossie to appropriately predic they, instead, ry on the good officeof the board of directors and focused inste on e board, whe they appropriatel stimulated and appropriately comprise in creating the pay pkage themselves. ey let the heavy lifting be done bthe board. same thingor a pay czar. it reay sort of puzzlese why you would create a pition to begin with. it wasn't congressionally authorized. 's sort of a n idea. paicularly using the word "czar" is a little scary especially for someone who i steep in.s. busines practices. >> suzanne: do youecognize this is highly politicized process th people are oraged by the levels of compensation in this country? so whas the soluti? ok, maybe it's not a pay czar but howor should we limit executive compensation >> wel peoplehave a righto be angr