. >> congressman burgees, your response. >> he just doubled down on the cbo score, that the bill itselfnot going to cost anything and we know that is a fairy tale. if you're going to start with a story start with once upon a time. the problem has not just been the amount of money, but the repetitivity with which it is spent. the economy cannot absorb the excess dollars flushed into the system. barry summers an obama economist warned us about this in january or february when we had the first reconciliation bill, remember that was the one that would crush the coronavirus and didn't exactly work out as far as crushing the coronavirus. but it pumped almost $2 billion into the economy and now we're doubling down with a bill that probably is going to end up costing closer to $4 trillion and these dollars have nowhere to go. they're pushed out in the economy and there is no place to absorb them. so what happen? that drives the price up. producers and builders say that there is demand and the price can be increased and there are dollars to fill that demand. well of course they're not going to -