burghardt 'd came up with these criterion after discovering reptiles are capable of play. i grow. i was going to go back and maybe grab something in my pocket that they like to do. he identified play behavior in the largest lizard in the world that deadly komodo dragon. they can bring out a water buffalo. but sometimes play is not confuse of exploration. one of the. ways of difference is that exploration just checking out something what you do with the now play. you should go see. reptiles operate a little slower pace than we do but she has all the elements this is behavior that is part of their normal repertoire she will do this over and over again. its behavior in an animal that would consider enough for lax the it's a behavior that is voluntary another confusing maybe will maybe animals is stupid enough to think it's food and it's acting as if it's prey that is clearly not the case either because the ambos try to eat the object. following bird science is learned of the only kinds of creatures play. even the fish it seems enjoy an occasional game of golf. scientists continue to