women were wearing full burkas and the men were quite traditional.but they talked quite movingly of how much they wanted to go home. we asked tm in a number o different wayshether the other idp's blood already gone home had gone home voluntarily or not. and they very quicklyesponded, saying they would tell because they wanted to go hoie. we want to go. we only want it saved t go home. they talked about the damage to their communities, their homes, and from their perspective their sense was that the taliban had targeted schools, particularly girls sools. they targeted police staons. and they didn't know, frankly, whether their homes would still be habitable in the wter. they hoped that they would be. they were still hopefuof getting home by the winter. we met wit ngo, an international organization officials on the ground and asked a lot of questions about what they saw as being the next steps. there is obviously to things that phey are fusing on. one is getting the first round of idp's back home and save for the winter. but they also are aware with on